Tuesday, July 9, 2024

News that makes a difference


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Patricia's WELCOME video
Sources of good news can be hard to find these days. Reading the headlines might make us want to curl up with cute animal videos online to cope! So where can we turn for the news that doesn’t shy away from problems, but lifts our view to help us make permanent progress?

Patricia Woodard, a practitioner of Christian Science healing and international speaker, will present her talk, “Breaking news: Freedom is ours now,” on Saturday, October 26, 2024, 11 a.m., at Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, Long Beach, 3401 North Studebaker Road, Long Beach, California 90808.

The talk will focus on universal healing precepts found in the Holy Bible, especially in Christ Jesus’ life and teachings, showing how they are available for anyone to understand and experience through the lens of Christian Science. The talk is free, open to the community, and hosted by “The Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist, in Long Beach.

“What we’re looking for,” says Ms. Woodard, “is a view that uplifts our thoughts, changing our perspective to one that makes a difference for the better, that heals. To me, this is what Christian Science is about: finding a spiritual perspective of God that reveals the goodness, wellness, and freedom flowing from God every day, helping those take tangible and reliable shape in our lives and the lives of others. That’s the ultimate good news!” 

Sharing examples of healing from her own life and professional practice of Christian Science, Ms. Woodard will explain why Christian Science is both Christian and scientific, meaning that people can prove its effectiveness for themselves, as fully described in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, written by the founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy.

Ms. Woodard will also touch on the life of Mary Baker Eddy, who came to understand, confirm, and teach what she felt was original Christian healing. Eddy herself said she was especially inspired by Jesus’ demand, “He that believes on me, the works that I do will he do also; and greater works than these will he do, because I go unto my Father” (found in the Gospel of John 14:12 in the Bible).

For over 150 years, people around the world have worked to follow Christ Jesus in this practice of Christianity and continue to do so today, experiencing healing of physical ills and personal difficulties.

For many years, Patricia Woodard has been a Christian Science practitioner, using prayer as a scientific method to assist others. She travels from her home base in Dallas, Texas, to speak to audiences around the world as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

2 Wednesday Testimony Meeting options

If anyone needs a spiritual uplift from noon to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays, come to our cozy Reading Room at 4129 Norse Way in Long Beach, and hear inspirational readings from The Bible and from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.  All are welcome!

We now hold two Wednesday testimony meetings:  

  • The first is held in the Reading Room from 12:00P - 1:00P.  It is an in-person meeting only.  
  • The second is held via Zoom only, from 7:00P - 8:00P.  People may log in or call in to the Zoom meeting using the following information: